The Good Shepherd

The Good Shepherd
Light a candle and remember the presence of God is with you.
Cut out the pieces to help you tell this story.
Jesus told us sacred stories called parables.
Sacred means that something is extra special.
Jesus was extra special and so were the stories he told.
The extra special stories Jesus told were messages about how to love God and love each other. Let us wonder how this parable helps us love. (Pause.)
Those who love Jesus are like sheep who follow a Good Shepherd.
Take a moment to place your finger on the shepherd .
The Good Shepherd takes care of the sheep.
Take a moment to place your finger on each sheep.
The Good Shepherd makes sure the sheep have enough to eat.
Use the Good Shepherd as a line leader.
The sheep follow the Good Shepherd .
The Good Shepherd makes sure the sheep have enough to drink.
The sheep follow the Good Shepherd to the water.
The sheep follow the Good Shepherd past the scary rock.
The sheep follow the Good Shepherd around the rock.
The Good Shepherd makes sure to watch out for the sheep when they are scared.
Tenderly move the sheep back to the sheepfold.
The Good Shepherd loves all the sheep, even though they are all different.
He smiles when he says each sheep’s name.
Take a moment to place your finger on each sheep.
The Good Shepherd can lead the sheep safely home!

John 10:14-16 (Common English Bible)
"I am the good shepherd. I know my own sheep and they know me, just as the Father knows me and I know the Father. I give up my life for the sheep.
I have other sheep that don’t belong to this sheep pen. I must lead them too. They will listen to my voice and there will be one flock, with one shepherd."
I wonder…
. . . how this parable helps us love?
. . . if the sheep have names?
. . . what the voice of The Good Shepherd sounds like?
. . . what the sheep are scared of?
. . . how long it takes to come back home?
. . . how the sheep are different?
. . . If this story has all it needs?
. . . Can you tell this story differently?
Working with the Story (Parable)
1. Cut out pieces of printout.
2. If you have it, set out an underlay (green felt or green/plain construction paper).
3. As you tell/hear the story, use the pieces to build the scene.
4. Are there more pieces you want to add? More sheep? More hearts?