The Soft Sand and the Strong Rock
The Soft Sand and Strong Rock
Light a candle and remember the presence of God is with you.
Cut out the pieces to help you tell this story.
Jesus told us sacred stories called parables.
Sacred means that something is extra special. Jesus was extra special and so were the stories he told.
The extra special stories Jesus told were messages about how to love God and love each other. Let us wonder how this parable helps us love. (Pause.)
Jesus told this story while giving an important sermon on a mountain.
Lots of people were listening to the sermon because Jesus was a really good teacher. People liked to hear what he had to say.
Jesus said that those who were able to really hear his message were wise.
Those who could not really understand his message were foolish.
Place the two people in front of you.
One of these people is wise and one is foolish.
Point to each person.
You can’t tell by looking at them. The people could look like anyone.
Hmmm… I wonder how you can tell?
Jesus explained. “The foolish person, or the one who didn’t understand, builds his or her house on soft sand.”
Place one of the houses on the sand.
“The other person build their house on strong rock.”
Place the other house on the rock.
When the wind, rain, and floods come the house on the rock is able to remain
standing strong.
Make noises of wind and rain.
The house on the soft sand just falls apart and floats away.
Move the house on the sand far away from you.
Jesus teaches strong ways to love one another so that when the hard things happen we can stand strong.

Matthew 7:24-25 (Common English Bible)
Everybody who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise builder who built a house on bedrock. The rain fell, the floods came, and the wind blew and beat against that house. It didn’t fall because it was firmly set on bedrock.
I wonder…
. . . how this parable helps us love?
. . . If there is a difference between listening and hearing?
. . . Which person built which house?
. . . What the person in the strong house did to help the person without a home?
. . . How Jesus feels about each of these people?
. . . If this story has all it needs?
. . . Can you tell this story differently?