The Good Shepherd and the Wolf
The Good Shepherd & The Wolf
Light a candle and remember the presence of God is with you.
Cut out the pieces to help you tell this story.
Jesus told us sacred stories called parables.
Sacred means that something is extra special.
Jesus was extra special and so were the stories he told.
The extra special stories Jesus told were messages about how to love God and love each other. Let us wonder how this parable helps us love. (Pause.)
Those who love Jesus are like sheep who follow a Good Shepherd.
Take a moment to place your finger
on the Good Shepherd you have cut out.
The Good Shepherd takes care of the sheep.
Take a moment to place your finger on each sheep
But not everyone who watches the sheep takes care of them like a Good Shepherd.
Introduce the other shepherd to the sheep.
The sheep need exercise, food, and water outside of the gated sheepfold. People watch them so they do not get lost.
Take the sheep are outside of the sheepfold.
Watching sheep can be dangerous when they’re outside of the gated sheepfold. Wolves often attack and hurt the sheep.
Place the wolf facing the sheep.
When a wolf arrives, the person watching the sheep will run away and leave the sheep in danger to be hurt by the wolf and its pack.
Move the regular shepherd as he runs away and hides.
But the Good Shepherd does not run away and hide. The Good Shepherd will stand and protect the sheep.
Place the Good Shepherd between the sheep and the wolf.
The Good Shepherd is even willing to die to save the sheep.
The Good Shepherd loves the sheep more than they know.

John 10:14-16 (Common English Bible)
I am the good shepherd. I know my sheep,
and they know me. Just as the Father knows me,
I know the Father, and I give up my life for my sheep. I have other sheep that are not in this sheep pen. I must also bring them together, when they hear my voice. Then there will be one flock of sheep and one shepherd.
I wonder…
. . . how this parable helps us love?
. . . if the sheep are afraid of the wolf?
. . . why the Good Shepherd doesn’t run away?
. . . how the regular shepherd feels?
. . . If the sheep know how much the Good Shepherd loves them?
. . . If this story has all it needs?
. . . Can you tell this story differently?