
Pentecost: Acts 2
This is called the “Birthday of the Church.” The story comes from Acts. It is the day when the Holy Spirit came down in the form of fire (see picture) and those gathered began to speak in other languages. Many were baptized and began to follow Jesus that day.
We celebrate Pentecost (on many a youth Sunday) because it comes 7 weeks or 50 days after Easter. It falls in May or early June. The color to symbolize this holiday is RED.
The Festival of Weeks is also celebrated by the Jewish community around this time (50 days after Passover). This festival celebrates the giving of the 10 Commandments to Moses. The Disciples were gathered to celebrate this festival when the Holy Spirit descended.

Pentecost Means Fifty: It is celebrated 50 days after Easter! Time for another church potluck!
Descent of the Holy Spirit: Holy Spirit's grand entrance at Pentecost: Think of it as the heavenly red carpet moment, complete with tongues of fire.
Speaking in Tongues: Apostles speaking in tongues: The original multi-language feature – no translation app needed.
Symbol of Fire: Tongues of fire at Pentecost: When the Holy Spirit turns up the heat, and you get a fiery makeover. Everyone looked like candles!
Birth of the Church: Because every birthday needs a good story. Ours involves wind, fire, and a bunch of apostles.
Liturgical Color: Liturgical color for Pentecost: Red, because nothing says "Holy Spirit" like a vibrant wardrobe change.
In the Pentecost story, there's a part in Acts 2:46-47 that some denominations point to for regularly taking communion.
"Day by day, as they spent much time together in the temple, they broke bread at home and ate their food with glad and generous hearts, praising God and having the goodwill of all the people. And day by day the Lord added to their number those who were being saved."
Tower of Babel: Genesis 11:4-9
In Genesis, there's a story where God makes people speak different languages. It's interesting to compare this story with Pentecost, as they tell different things about how God works.
The phrase "The Tower of Babel" isn't in the Bible. According to the Bible, the city got the name "Babel" from the Hebrew word "balal," meaning to jumble. (Wikipedia... Cool!)
Babel might also connect to the root word for Babylon, which in Greek can be translated as “The Gate of God.” Were those building the tower competing with God? In Acts, did God feel that the disciples were not competing?