Matthew 2:11-12 (Common English Bible)
They entered the house and saw the child with Mary his mother. Falling to their knees, they honored him. Then they opened their treasure chests and presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.
Because they were warned in a dream not to return to Herod,
they went back to their own country by another route.
Light a candle and remember the presence of God is with you.
Cut out the final pieces to help you build this story.
Advent leads to the 12 days of Christmas.
Christmas leads to Epiphany at the beginning of January.
Come close to this story that leads us through a special journey during this time we call Epiphany.
I wonder who we get to meet in today’s story?
Today we meet some of the last people who wanted to see and celebrate young Jesus. Today we get to meet some magi.
Magi were wise people from far away lands. They often gave advice to royalty or studied great mysteries of the world.
There had been a mysterious star in the sky that a few of the magi in far away lands had noticed. It seemed like a star for a king. So, the magi followed the star to the king that was closest to the star.
The magi gathered and met King Herod, who was an evil leader and was worried about the threat of another king. King Herod tried to trick the magi into bringing the king to him so that he could kill him.
The magi followed the star more closely and found a small toddler named Jesus
living in a regular place. Something about this special toddler had the magi kneel and give three strange gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh to him and his family.
The magi treated little Jesus like a king and not just a regular toddler.
Then, an angel told the magi that they were being tricked by King Herod. They warned Jesus’ family to move. So, Jesus’ family moved to Egypt until it was safe.
The magi went home and did not go back to evil King Herod.

I wonder…
… how the Magi felt about the special star?
… how long their journey was?
… why their journey was important?
… why they brought gifts?
… if you have given gifts?
… how you feel now that this journey is over?
… what journey is next?

Prophets Light a candle and remember the presence of God is with you. Cut out the pieces to help you build this story. More pieces will be added with each story. Advent is the church season of getting ready for when Jesus will be born. Advent leads to the 12 days of Christmas. Christmas leads to Epiphany at the beginning of January. Come close to this story that leads us through a special journey during this time of year. There are many stories and people that prepare us to meet Jesus. I wonder who we get to meet in today’s story? This is Isaiah. He lived many, many years before Jesus was born. He was a prophet. A prophet is someone who listens to God and shares important messages from God to the people. There were many prophets. Other prophets are Micah, Nathan, and Jeremiah. (Can you find more names in the Bible?) The people of God during Isaiah’s time were not happy. They had been torn apart from their homes and separated from one another. They were lonely and scared. They need a way to have hope and bring light to the hard things in their lives. Isaiah told the people that the light was going to shine again on their broken lives. There will be a new day and a new HOPE. This is what Isaiah said, “The people walking in darkness have seen a great light. On those living in a pitch-dark land, light has dawned.” The first candle of Advent represents HOPE. We will place this candle on our wreath and remember the HOPE Isaiah provided for the people in his time, in Jesus’ time, and in our time. Upload I wonder… ... how this story helps us have hope? … how prophets listen to God? … if you know a prophet? … how prophets show us the way? … if there are prophets today? Could you be a prophet? Craft Isaiah 1:22 / 2:30 Season of Wonder Advent 1: The Prophets GodlyPlayFoundation Previous FULL LIST Next